Professional Accountant
Tax Agent and Auditor
Two locations to serve you
Call: 5426-8135 - Minden
5424-1866 - Esk
Mobile: 0431 828 648
0403 912 079
Taxation Specialist with
over 20 years experience
in the industry
Reasonable Rates
Flexible Hours
Open Monday - Saturday
Pension Discounts
Fellow of IPA (Institute of Public Accountants
Electronic transfer of tax documents available
Income Tax preparation and lodgement including Company, Partnership and Individual returns
Telephone (including video calls) as well as Zoom consults available
GST monthly and quarterly preparation and lodgement
Auditing for Non- For-Profit
Rental Property schedules
Bookkeeping services
Cash Flow Projections
MYOB, RECKON, Xero Professional Partners
Accounting Software Support
Specialists in Small Business, Company and Primary Production Tax
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.